Creativity is all fun !!!We checked out the creative charge in students at WMP  program at IIM Lucknow Noida Campus. !!! These budding energetic managers ready to take on the world with their creative moves ! Watch it 🙂   Full credits to WMP-18 for this video 🙂 SO WHATS YOUR BEST MOVE !!!! … Continue reading CREATIVE CRUSADERS !!!

Design versus Culture

Kumar Skand   In one of my previous articles (Ref: Myths About Modern Design - "Design is a Non-Technical Profession")[1], I had tried to bring forth my perspective in an attempt to solve the riddle about the identity of Design as a professional discipline. Also, in the subsequent article, (Ref: Design - "Refining India, Redefining … Continue reading Design versus Culture

DESIGNS : “Refining India, Redefining Decades”

Kumar Skand   Riding on the 90’s economic policy reforms pioneered by the then Finance Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Indian market was thrown open to the entire world for being a part of the free market economy. As the government liberalised its economic policies and was instrumental in phasing out the License Raj, ushering … Continue reading DESIGNS : “Refining India, Redefining Decades”


"Design is a Non-Technical Profession" Kumar Skand (Image Source: The recognition of Industrial Design as a professional discipline is often riddled with paradox, uncertainty and myth. As the designer George Nelson (1957) once commented: “Industrial design differs from architecture and engineering in one interesting way -- it is the only profession that became a … Continue reading MYTHS ABOUT MODERN DESIGN

Thinking : Vertical and Lateral

Before we leap into the Verticals and Laterals, lets understand what Thinking is. It can simply be defined as an act of generating thoughts or considering or reasoning about something or trying to get a perspective or understand the issue. Thinking is therefore creating some mental models, visualizations, patterns and flow diagrams in our mind … Continue reading Thinking : Vertical and Lateral

Understanding Creativity

Creativity is a big buzz word !!! However we usually tend to understand that only those who are in creative fields like design, arts, architecture, music, writing  and similar other fields are creative. For the rest, it is a no goer. That is fairly a limited understanding. Creativity extends to each and every field of … Continue reading Understanding Creativity