Understanding Creativity

Creativity is a big buzz word !!! However we usually tend to understand that only those who are in creative fields like design, arts, architecture, music, writing  and similar other fields are creative. For the rest, it is a no goer.

That is fairly a limited understanding. Creativity extends to each and every field of life.

Creativity may be defined by something that has these following traits:

  1. Uniqueness : We do call it “Out of the Box”.  Thoughts or things done in a manner that are different and yet achieve the intended result
  2. Novel : It brings something new on the table. A new insight or a perspective
  3. Appeal : Creative Works usually have a positive appeal for the audience they are intended for.

Creativity requires us to move away from our biases and question the status quo. That why we see that children are far more creative than adults.

Have you ever noticed a mother trying to make the toddler eat ! She has to come up with new crafts everyday so that the kids eats properly. I think that very well qualifies to be creative. !!!

Piet Mondriaan abstract painting Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930
Mondrian’s Composition II

Also creativity has got nothing to do with the way one dresses. Piet Mondrian, the dutch painter famous for his grid based paintings used to paint wearing full suit. !!! So if you see a somebody dressed up like a weirdo, he or she may just be struggling to stand out.


The Fountain, 1917

Do you know about Marcel Duchamp’s, (a french-american painter and sculptor) famous installation “The Fountain”. It was a porcelain URINAL, ( yes exactly!) placed on the table and signed off “R. Mutt”. It was considered to be one of the landmarks of the 20th Century European Avant Garde movement.

We all have a creative aptitude within us. What only matters is how much we unlock it. This  wonderful potential can be unlocked and channelized through focused observation and practice.



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